Outside my window. . .the sun is shining and there is a slight breeze. It should be a beautiful day today.
I am thinking. . .I have a lot to do today and I wish this headache would go away.
From the learning room. . .Bubby and the Bug have finished reading, science, Bible study, copywork and handwriting. We'll have to finish the rest after we run errands.
I am thankful for. . .being able to sleep-in when I don't feel well, my kids, my home and getting to enjoy having a baby all over again.
From the kitchen. . .home made pizza tonight.
I am wearing. . .my usual...black shorts and gray t-shirt
I am creating. . .a HUGE pile of laundry that needs folded and put away.
I am going. . .to buy a new mattress today. YEAH!
I am reading. . .Simple Church and The Treasure Inside Your Child. Both are great.
I am hoping. . .to remain calm and patient today.
I am hearing. . .the radio, the Baby breathing funny, Leeny running through the house and roaring - trying to make the Baby laugh.
Around the house. . .supplies for siding the house are taking over the back porch, clean laundry that needs to be dealt with, blankets that need folded, kitchen floor that needs swept.
One of my favorite things. . .sleeping with the windows open. Hopefully the air will be off again in a couple of days.
A few plans for the rest of the week. . .schoolwork, dinner out with some girlfriends, swimming with Memaw J, going to an afternoon movie with the kids, working on nursery stuff for the church.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing. . .
For more simple women, go here.
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