Monday, October 25, 2010

For Today....

Outside my window...the sky is gray. The wind is howling and blowing leaves off the trees and across the yard. I think we're in for a change in weather.
I am thinking...about plans for the week, a dear friend who's been sick for several days and paperwork.

I am thankful mom who lives nearby. She was gone for almost 2 weeks and I missed her terribly.

From the learning rooms...we've had no school Friday or today. Back at it tomorrow.

From the kitchen...pork chops, mashed potatoes and corn. The Bug's choice in honor of her 9th birthday.

I am wearing...jeans and a burnt orange polo shirt.

I am creating...nothing. I've been thinking about starting something crafty....just haven't decided what.

I am enjoy the evening with my family. My mom is bringing over an ice cream cake to surprise the Bug.

I am reading...a new Homeschool Enrichment magazine.

I am hoping...the Baby sleeping all night continues!

I am hearing...the wind. It is drowning out all else.

Around the house...laundry (never ends), baby toys, girls discussing where to put the Bug's Birthday Balloon on the table, Bubby reading and the Baby pitter-pattering around the house and eating everything she finds on the floor.

One of my favorite things...crisp, cool fall evenings

A few plans for the rest of the with The Pastor's Wife, school work and hopefully a slow paced week at home.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

My Birthday Girl on her 4th Birthday. Wow! Can't believe that was 5 years ago.

Have a great week! For more Simple Women, go here.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Baby's One Year Pictures

It's kind of funny. When Bubby was born, I had his picture taken professionally every month, on the day.

When the Bug was born, I wasn't quite as good. We had her picture taken at 2 months and then every couple of months.

Along came Leeny and I was too busy. She had her first picture taken at 5 months.

The Baby was one. Other than one shot of her at Christmas, we haven't had her picture taken.

Does that make me a bad mom?
I do have more snapshots of her though.

So here are my favorites. Now I have to decide which ones I want to hang on my walls, set on my shelves, etc.

How am I going to decide? I like them all.

Each captures a different expression. A different facet of her.


Grandparents, if you have a favorite, let me know and I'll order it for you.

Same for you aunts and uncles. These are the proofs.

Maybe that would help me decide.
What's your favorite?

After all, I can't hang one of each up.

But the little cheeser is so darn cute!

Birthday Fun

She's ONE! This was before the party. She likes to "help" unload the dishwasher. She lays across the door and plays in the water.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Baby...." Oh, she loved being sang to.

The icing was sooo yummy!

The cake wasn't impressing her. She loved the icing but threw the cake on the floor. She quickly had enough.

All done. Time for a bath.

She'd rather play with the cooler full of ice than eat cake. What's wrong with this baby?

Finally she took an interest in the packages.

She really liked her swing. Like a little princess, she sat there to open the rest of her gifts. One of her favorites was a little book that played the Farmer in The Dell.

Love the Baby.

A new duck. The Baby likes to play with ducks in the bath. She says "quack, quack" and throws them out of the tub.
All in all, it was a very happy 1st Birthday for her. She seemed to have a good time.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Made Ready. Prepared. Having the necessary materials or supplies.

Sometimes as a parent but most often as a homeschooler, I feel like I am walking in the dark. Or trying to blaze a new trail. I like to be a leader, usually. But there is definitely some comfort in following - following trails that have already been made (and paved), even if the path is the wrong one for me, the less godly. I'm not proud of feeling this way, just being honest. Homeschooling can be scary. There isn't a "one size fits all" path. You kinda have to blaze a new trail.

I have been reading in Philippians. Actually, I've been stuck there for over a week now, just reading and re-reading, knowing that God has lots for me. Maybe I'll share more of what God is showing me later.

I know that I have been called to homeschool my kids. How I know I was called is a whole different post. Reading in Philippians reminded me that God has begun a good work here and will be faithful to carry it on. (1:6)

So, I'm trying to remember this when I have my freak out moments, my moments of uncertainty, my times of thinking that I can't do this and even my seasons of I don't want to. I have been called and He'll give me what I need, when I need it.
All I need to do is keep Him central to everything. To remember that the most important thing is Christ preached. Truly that is more important than the 3 R's. But oh so hard sometimes because my flesh takes over.

And so I'm reminded (again) that God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called. And I have been called.

Monday, October 11, 2010



Outside my window...the sun is shining and there is the slightest of breezes. A few chickens are pecking around in the front yard. It's going to be a beautiful day.

I am thinking...about my mom. She's in Arizona to be with her dying mom. I already miss her and she just left yesterday. But I hurt for her too. I just can't wrap my mind around the thought of loosing a parent.

I am thankful that lives nearby. We can see most of our family within a 15-20 minute drive.

From the learning is a day off. We are going on a picnic between the chiropractor and the Baby's well-child check. Tomorrow we're back to the books. Right now, it's hard not to enjoy this beautiful weather while it lasts. We'll be cooped up inside soon enough when the weather turns to winter.

From the recipe...venison cordon bleu, roasted potatoes, broccoli and left over birthday cake for dessert

I am wearing...capri's and a gray shirt (the usual)

I am creating...a yummy picnic lunch

I am be texting my momma lots this week. I'm used to talking to her at least twice a day.

I am reading...well just finished reading Dedication. Good book. Especially good if you grew up in the 80's and 90's. Time to start a new book.

I am hoping...for a productive week.

I am hearing...birds chirping outside, the radio, the Baby banging an empty container on the floor, the Bug and Leeny discussing which leaves they like and in which order.

Around the house...enjoying a clean house. A little laundry needs folded and put away as well as a few baby things. Otherwise all is in order.

One of my favorite things...spending time with family.

A few plans for the rest of the week...canning some applesauce, schoolwork with the kiddos, soccer practice, just being home and enjoying time outside.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Two surprise beauties from my nearly dead garden.

Have a great week!
For more Simple Women, go here.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I had to run to the farm store today. We were out of dog food. It's always best if I go rather than the husband. I get dog food and spend $25-30. If he goes...well...let's just says it's at LEAST 4 times what I spend. As I was walking out the door, he hands me some yellow plastic thing and says that I need to pick up two bags of these. (I should have left faster)

So the yellow thing was something for building electric fence. Our Billy Goat is tearing up the regular fence, so the Husband is going to get him. A good strong, knock-you-on-your-butt jolt should teach it!

Wouldn't you know, the farm store was out of the ones I needed. So I thought perhaps there would be some in the back. I asked for help. I got a Grumpy Old Man. It was very busy in there and there were at least 4 people needing him. I'm guessing multi-tasking wasn't his thing.

Me: Everybody must be building fence.

Grumpy Old Man: Well they ought to be. People ought to know how to raise their own food...and their meat.

He goes on to tell me that he raises cattle and pigs and tells me about our horrible economy.

Then he looks at me with an almost sneer and says, "You buildn' fence for a horse?"

What?! What if I did? It's not his business!

Me: Nope. My husband doesn't like horses. Says they are a waste of feed. We raise cattle, goats, chickens and turkeys.

I tell him that it's actually the older two kids who do the animals. We just foot the bills, help build fence and oversee things.

GOM: Well good for you. At least your family will be fed when the s**t hits the fan.

Yes, he really said that.
Apparently he has no faith in our economy. Not that I have much either. But it was so funny to listen to this Grumpy Old Man.
Not only did I get his approval, I even got a half smile.
Don't worry Grumpy Old Man, I won't be asking you for meat when our country crashes.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The snot draining down the back of my throat makes it impossible to lay down. I'm so tired, but sleep can't be found. I choke and choke and choke. Oh the joys of bronchitis!
A lack of sleep. That's been me for the past year. Waking in the middle of the night to nurse my baby, has taken lots of sleeping time away. But I wouldn't trade that snuggle time for any amount of sleep.
She'll be one on Friday. A whole year already past. Three hundred sixty-five nights of not sleeping through the night. Three hundred sixty-five nights of snuggling her close, breathing in her baby scent.
She's starting to wean herself. It won't be much longer till she no longer wakes in the middle of the night for her milk. I will miss it. Really, I will.
But right now, when I'm missing extra sleep from this darn sickness, I will welcome a full night's rest.