Thursday, October 14, 2010


Made Ready. Prepared. Having the necessary materials or supplies.

Sometimes as a parent but most often as a homeschooler, I feel like I am walking in the dark. Or trying to blaze a new trail. I like to be a leader, usually. But there is definitely some comfort in following - following trails that have already been made (and paved), even if the path is the wrong one for me, the less godly. I'm not proud of feeling this way, just being honest. Homeschooling can be scary. There isn't a "one size fits all" path. You kinda have to blaze a new trail.

I have been reading in Philippians. Actually, I've been stuck there for over a week now, just reading and re-reading, knowing that God has lots for me. Maybe I'll share more of what God is showing me later.

I know that I have been called to homeschool my kids. How I know I was called is a whole different post. Reading in Philippians reminded me that God has begun a good work here and will be faithful to carry it on. (1:6)

So, I'm trying to remember this when I have my freak out moments, my moments of uncertainty, my times of thinking that I can't do this and even my seasons of I don't want to. I have been called and He'll give me what I need, when I need it.
All I need to do is keep Him central to everything. To remember that the most important thing is Christ preached. Truly that is more important than the 3 R's. But oh so hard sometimes because my flesh takes over.

And so I'm reminded (again) that God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called. And I have been called.

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