I am thinking...about a girl I went to school with. Her little boy, who's not quite 3, is having his 5th heart surgery today or tomorrow. I don't think he is doing very well. My heart just breaks for her. I look at my children and try to imagine having one that sick and I just can't wrap my mind around it. So I'm praying for her. Her name is Angela and the little boy is Landon - if you would pray too.
I am thankful for...for my children. I am thankful for their health. I'm thankful for their strong minds. I am thankful that they love Jesus. I'm thankful that they are so helpful.
From the learning rooms...We've been doing lots of "informal" learning. But this week, we'll make some progress in the textbooks. I think we also might start one of our 4-H books for science...bugs or electricity???
From the kitchen...homemade pizza (I made too many crusts for New Year's Eve) or Mandarin Beef Stir Fry. I will have to take a poll.
I am wearing...blue sweats and a John Deere Tractor sweatshirt. I am hoping nobody comes to the door and thankful I don't have to leave today.
I am creating...I should say we are creating....new rooms. Our toyroom is almost finished being converted into a bedroom for Bubby. Bubby's old room is becoming a bedroom for the Bug and the Baby will be moving into Leeny's room. Leeny has no desire to have a room to herself (which is good because we are out of rooms). Of course we have a ton of painting to do....all the bedrooms, hallway, front room and area outside Bubby's room...I do NOT like painting.
I am going...we are going to Wisconsin Dells! I am very excited. We go every year and I just love playing in the water when it's winter. I'm not so excited about wearing my swimming suit (my legs are white enough to blind someone and the holidays have not helped my waistline), but we always have so much fun. The Husband plays like a kid and everyone loves the water.
I am reading...a couple of homeschool magazine, a Backwood's Home magazine, a book on canning and One Tough Mother. To say I'm reading them would be a stretch. It's more like scanning an article or two or reading a few pages. When this room project is done, I'm hoping to do a lot of reading.
I am hoping...to have the Baby moved out of our room, sleeping through the night again and weaned within a month. Not sure how easy the weaning part will be, but we're going to try.
I am hearing...the Baby hollering, Bubby and Leeny on the verge of an argument, the rustle of a trash bag being put in the can and the hum of the corn stove.
Around the house...drywall dust. Yuck! Bags of building materials, tools, toys the Baby has scattered, more building materials, tools and dust.
One of my favorite things...a completed project. Too bad we are so far away from the whole project being finished.
A few plans for the rest of the week...take pictures and get a box full of stuff listed on Ebay, tackle Mt. Washmore, paint toenails, have Bubby's room ready to move into by the weekend, get rid of as much drywall dust as possible and play games, lots of games with the kids.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing..
This will be Bubby's new closet in his new room.
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