I am thinking...that the pressure must be dropping as my head is starting to throb. A big winter storm is supposed to be moving in for the next couple of days. I'm hoping it's not as big as anticipated. I don't want the Husband to be gone for days restoring power. I like having him home.
I am thankful for...a Baby that runs, with pure joy, to me when I walk into a room. I feel like a celebrity.
I'm also thankful that my pantry and freezers are stocked and for a standby backup generator in case this storm is as bad as predicted.
From the learning rooms...the usual. Sometimes I get bored with the same old thing. I have to remind myself that it may be "old hat" to me, but to the kids, it's all new. Perseverance.
From the kitchen...a late lingering breakfast of homemade bread with peanut butter and yogurt smoothies while we studied our Bibles together. I love hearing my children read from The Word of God.
I am wearing...flannel pajamas. Today just felt like one of those days.
I am creating...still working on the house. Bubby is moved in his new room. Now we're painting the front room and still sanding walls in the Bug's room.
I am going...to enjoy having nowhere to go. I am going to play a few games...Rummy, Banana Grams, Quirkle, Doodle Dice and maybe Uno over the next couple of days. We are going to do some baking and watch a couple of movies. Hopefully, I can also force myself to work on the painting projects.
I am reading...the Bible and Large Family Logistics.
I am hoping...that the Husband just gets a little overtime. Not a lot. The last time we had an ice storm, he was gone for 18 days. He was so tired and I worried constantly about his (and the other linemen) safety. No sleep and electricity is a dangerous combo.
I am hearing...The occasional clicking sound of ice hitting the windows. Yuck! It's starting. I hear Clifford on the tv, the Bug and the Baby's laughter, Bubby bringing in a bucket of corn to feed the corn stove and Leeny unloading the dishwasher. As always, there is the hum of the corn stove.
Around the house...boxes of books that need to find a new place to be stored; the kitchen floor isn't working. A basket of laundry needs folded and the vacuum needs put to use or put away. Then there is the buckets of paint and painting supplies...a constant reminder that I have so much painting to do.
One of my favorite things...gloomy days with cups of hot coffee and happy kids.
A few plans for the rest of the week...other than a trip to the Oral Surgeon on Friday for Bubby, nothing that has to be done. I would like to go to the local activities center for homeschool PE on Thursday, but have a feeling that the roads will be drifted shut.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
I love how a baby can be oblivious to everything around them. Sleep in the midst of noise and chaos.
Have a great week!
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