I am thinking...about homeschooling freedoms in Illinois and how it could so easily change.
I am thankful for...antibiotics. Although I wish they would work faster. This is the worst case of strep throat I have ever had!
From the learning rooms...a good full week's worth of schooling is complete despite losing a day to mom being down. And next weeks plans are squared away. We also had an awesome "hands on" learning opportunity on Tuesday. We spent the biggest part of our day at the state capitol where a hearing was taking place on registering homeschooled students. What a marvelous way for the kids to see government in action and an important lesson was learned in how we can protect our freedoms.
From the kitchen...nothing. My sweet momma is bringing chicken and noodles over to us. I just don't have the energy to cook. This strep throat is amazing in how it can affect the whole body!
I am wearing...t-shirt and blue lounge pants.
I am creating...the Bug's bedroom. It's almost done, finally! The colors are bold and bright just like my girl. I love it. But more importantly, she loves it. We just need to clean the floor, put some shelving in the closet and move her in.
I am going...try to muster up the energy to put the final coat of Caribbean blue on the Bug's wall tonight. The Husband already finished the Lime Green. I also plan to finish some laundry. It has gotten out of control this week.
I am reading...Mr. Revere and I per Bubby's recommendation. It's a cute little book. I'm also reading over some pressure canning recipes and gardening catalogues. Spring fever has set in and I can't wait to get outside and get my hands in the dirt.
I am hoping...that we are done being sick around here. I've had enough. I can't even tell you how many toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste I have thrown away this winter.
I am hearing...the radio very softly and am wondering at the lack of noise. Not that my house is usually loud because it is not. We are very quiet during the day, surprisingly so for 4 kids. But I'm wondering if the 3 older have ventured outside? They have been out in all their spare time enjoying this "spring tease" weather we've been having. The Baby is playing with toys right here beside me.
Around the house...just the normal. The house looks lived in. Comfortable messy for the most part. A few areas that are past needing some attention, like the kitchen counter. Why oh why does that long counter become a catch all? A few loads of laundry needs folded and put away. Bubby in his excitement to take off on the dirt bike, left some schoolbooks on the table. The Baby leaves a trail everywhere she goes. And I'm reminded again how much I longed for that little one, extra work and all.
One of my favorite things...knowing that spring is around the corner. The days are lasting a little longer, the weather is not so cold, birds are singing. And there are no bugs. Yet
A few plans for the weekend... working on getting well, finishing up the Bug's room, introducing my kiddos to Punkie Brewster (thanks to Netflix) and church - pretty much just spending time together with no real pressing things to do.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
One of my gardens last spring. Can't wait for this year. Spring fever? Oh yes!
Have a great weekend.
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