The Bug and I found a recipe for home made Tootsie Rolls. What could be more fun than making them? Making them with friends.
And since our friends are homeschooled, we all could count this as art, home-ec and even *
gasp* socialization.

This is the Bug with one of her best friends, Curlyjo. They are so sweet together.

The little chef, Leeny. Her friend Tiny Love is Curlyjo's sister. They have lots of fun together. But you have to keep a close eye on them. They are very curious. Kinda like George (the monkey). You just never know what they'll come up with (or get into).

Bubby. Poor guy, always surrounded by females.

This is Tiny Love. She is Leeny's best buddy and partner in crime.

This is my friend, Cindy. But I think the Baby has now claimed Cindy as her best friend. They ate suckers together.
So, the tootsie rolls? The kids enjoyed making them. It was like edible play dough and very tasty. Kind of like fudge.
*Tip - If you decide to make these and your recipe calls for milk, use dry milk powder. Do NOT use regular milk. Trust me on this one.
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