I am thinking...about plans for the week, a dear friend who's been sick for several days and paperwork.
I am thankful for...my mom who lives nearby. She was gone for almost 2 weeks and I missed her terribly.
From the learning rooms...we've had no school Friday or today. Back at it tomorrow.
From the kitchen...pork chops, mashed potatoes and corn. The Bug's choice in honor of her 9th birthday.
I am wearing...jeans and a burnt orange polo shirt.
I am creating...nothing. I've been thinking about starting something crafty....just haven't decided what.
I am going...to enjoy the evening with my family. My mom is bringing over an ice cream cake to surprise the Bug.
I am reading...a new Homeschool Enrichment magazine.
I am hoping...the Baby sleeping all night continues!
I am hearing...the wind. It is drowning out all else.
Around the house...laundry (never ends), baby toys, girls discussing where to put the Bug's Birthday Balloon on the table, Bubby reading and the Baby pitter-pattering around the house and eating everything she finds on the floor.
One of my favorite things...crisp, cool fall evenings
A few plans for the rest of the week...cooking with The Pastor's Wife, school work and hopefully a slow paced week at home.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

My Birthday Girl on her 4th Birthday. Wow! Can't believe that was 5 years ago.
Have a great week! For more Simple Women, go here.