Saturday, June 26, 2010

Today is one of those days. Not in a bad sense. A good one. I love Saturdays like this! Other than being a little too warm, the day is perfect. (If you know me, you know I hate air conditioning. I'd rather sweat.)
I got over 6 straight hours of sleep last night. That was a first - maybe even since the baby has been born. I was slightly worried (the husband even more so) because she had hit her head yesterday and threw up shortly after. I thought I should call the Dr., but he said not to because she was fine and they'd just insist that she was brought in to the ER. So when she slept for so long, he thought maybe he'd made a mistake. But, she was fine, just tired.
Now she's taking a nap on the family room floor with her little hiney sticking up and her hair all sweaty. So precious. For some reason she's napped there every day this week and since she's not a napper, I'll take it.
I have zucchini bars in the oven (the basement oven, it's already 81 in the house at 11 am). I plan to post that recipe soon. It's a yummy one!
Bubby is vacuuming the pool so we can all enjoy it on this hot summer day. He's also hung clothes on the line. I only have 4 loads left to go. And I thought I was caught up on laundry! Somebody must have cleaned their room.
The girls are pulling weeds from the flower bed, begging Bubby to hurry up with the vacuum because they are melting from the heat. The flower bed looks awesome though!
The husband is off to bail hay. Always working...but that is what he enjoys. Maybe later he'll hop in the pool and cool off. But now, hay is on the ground and will be wasted if not bailed. The animals will want to eat this winter. Thankfully he enjoys bailing and he gets to spend time working with his dad. Memories in the making.
So other than swimming and laundry (and maybe mowing the neighbor's farm) we get to enjoy the whole day at home, which always makes me happy.

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