Mother of the Year Award.
Not that I was in the running.
I make enough mistakes on a daily basis to assure me of that.
But today.....
Leeny had been complaining that her finger hurt - for a couple (few) days. I didn't really pay much attention to her. In my defense, up until today, she'd only complain 1 or 2 times a day. I'm kinda of the camp that if something isn't gushing blood, dangling or unable to move, then shake it off. I need to rethink that stance. It isn't working so well for me. Anyway, tired of hearing her complain this morning (she'd complained like 5 times in 15 minutes), I took a look. The tip of her left index finger was swollen, hot to touch, red streaks (pink) running up her hand and a puss pocket at the tip.
Needless to say, she has a nice infection. She's now on an antibiotic and some strong ointment to prevent staff infection. Talk about feeling like a terrible parent!
It gets better....
The Bug has complained of headaches - especially when she reads. This has been going on for several months. I haven't paid a whole lot of attention to her for a few reasons.
1. She says she hates to read. What better way to get out of it than to say your head hurts?
2. Several of her friends have gotten glasses. She's my most peer dependant child, so maybe she was wanting glasses too?
3. As stated above, it wasn't bleeding, dangling or unable to move. Again, not the best method.
4. Maybe it is sinus related?
Today, something was different. She was working on the computer and said she needed to stop because her head hurt. She loves to be on the computer and wouldn't forfeit her time on it.
Long story short....We went to the eye doctor after the Prompt Care visit and sure enough, the Bug needs glasses! The glasses will be in next week.
On the bright side, tomorrow is a new day. (And my kids are resilliant and forgiving!)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011

For Today...
Outside my is beautiful and sunny although a bit breezy. Spring has sprung! The dead brown patches of grass are being crowded out by the new green grass. Little daffodils have really shot up this week. And the mud, oh the mud! It is a mess out where the animals are. You could sink out there.
I am thinking...about so much. In fact I need to blog lots of these thoughts as separate posts. Just to give you an idea of what's running around up pantry and how many people are still falling through the cracks, emergency preparedness, numerous projects around the farm, sickness, canning, gardening, schoolwork, homeschool convention, family, friends and just some everyday stuff.
I am thankful for...warmer weather, the ability to prepare for an emergency should there ever be one here, new baby animals.
From the learning we will be trying to nurse a baby goat back to life and keep it alive. Right now the little guy is sleeping in a box at my feet. So I guess it won't be "normal" learning but the kiddos will be learning important skills. I think we'll also work on prepping some ground for planting our asparagus, rhubarb, garlic, walking onions and other plants that need a permanent spot.
From the kitchen...grilled pork chops, carrot souffle, spinach salad and maybe baked potatoes
I am wearing...whatever I found quickly on the floor. Bubby came flying in my room in a panic that a baby goat was half dead and that I needed to hurry and mix up my special medicine and do something. I landed in a grey t-shirt and some blue pants. Not too bad for not paying attention.
I am emergency preparedness, toiletries, survival books, heirloom seeds, etc. This has been and will continue to be an ongoing project.
I am enjoy the fresh air today. I also figure I'll be overseeing the baby goat getting fed and monitoring his progress or lack thereof. We also may open up the whole house and spray poison everywhere (Lysol) We've had so many illnesses that I think we need to de-germ the house. Currently the Baby has RSV so she is coughing and getting snot on everything.
I am reading...more like flipping through the goat books, trying to soak up and new bits of info that may come in handy today.
I am hoping...that this baby goat lives. I know Bubby will be so disappointed if not.
The older two are also going to work for a neighbor down the road. I am hoping that they do a great job for her and show that they are mature enough to work for others.
I am hearing...Sid the Science Kid on the tv that nobody is watching, the hum of the corn stove that is getting ready to be shut down for the day and Bubby and Leeny getting into a heated discussion about the merits and downfalls of different farm animals. This will probably escalate into an argument because these two could argue over anything.
Around the house...dishes that need loaded into the dishwasher, a blanket that needs folded, and just signs of the people I love living in this home.
One of my favorite things...well two...opening the windows and hanging clothes on the line.
A few plans for the rest of the week...math, laundry, canning and picking up our new rabbits.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing....
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